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Make the donuts

  1. Step 1
    Heat the oil to 375° in a medium sized pot. You need the oil to be at least an inch deep in the pot. Use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature.

  2. Step 2
    Open the tubes of biscuits and cut into egg shapes using a 2 inch cookie cutter. Roll the scraps up to make donut holes.

  3. Step 3
    Place the donut into the hot oil and fry for 1 minute on each side. Remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a cooling rack with paper towels underneath. Repeat until all donuts are cooked.

Prepare your glaze

  1. Step 1
    Mix together the powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, meringue powder and salt. Add more milk as necessary for your consistency.

  2. Step 2
    Separate the glaze. Add a few drops of food coloring to each of the separate glazes. Transfer colored glazes to baggies and seal to close. Set aside.

Fill the donuts

  1. Step 1
    Add half the can of lemon fruit filling to a piping bag fitted with a Wilton 230 Bismark tip. Insert the tip into the side of the cooled donut and gently squeeze the filling into the donut while slowly removing the tip. Fill all the donuts.

Decorate the filled donuts

  1. Step 1
    Snip the corner off the baggies and decorate jelly donuts.

  2. Step 2
    Allow 5 minutes for the glaze to dry.


You can skip the meringue powder and food coloring if you'd like to just have a white glaze to top your donuts.

What others are saying about this recipe

  1. Marie says:

    I would love this recipe

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